Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trusting Him Instead of Freaking Out

I am a worrier. This is one of many issues the Lord is changing in me.

There are a lot of things to worry about, but I'm learning that if I freak out about everything then I become overwhelmed. In Matthew 6:27, Jesus says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" I believe worrying takes away from the life the Lord wants me to live. It takes my focus off of Him and places it on material things I have no control over.

I recently read Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Excellent book. In one of the chapters, he writes that when we worry, then we are not trusting God. That hit a nerve. Then I recalled part of a verse (I believe it had more to do with the Holy Spirit bringing it to memory) "...perfect love drives out fear," (1 John 4:18). Finally, a couple of weeks ago, we had a special speaker give the sermon at church. His topic: fear and trusting God. Okay, Lord, I hear You.

I am learning ways of dealing with fear and worry when they appear. I quote scripture to remind myself God is in control, He loves us, and everything works for the glory of the Lord. I also pray more. I pray to surrender my concerns, and I pray for the situation.

I'm not perfect. I still have my moments of worry, but I'm getting better at surrendering those concerns. I'm finding it is better to use my energy to pray instead of freaking out. Prayer is much more effective. And I am seeing results. I feel peaceful, confident, and hopeful. Isn't that how we are supposed to be anyway? Isn't that what the world is supposed to see in us, as Christians? If I'm running around in a chaotic state, then how can the world see His light? What are your thoughts?


smithsk said...

Fear is something I have been struggling with. Just look at the news. I recall a little ditty I memorized in "Mad" magazine as a teenager -

In this world of pain, doom, and strife
It's hard to imagine a fate worse than life.

Such a difference when trusting Him. He is in control and loves us. Your blog reminded me of that blessed assurance.


Megan DiMaria said...

I find that on some days I have to take every thought captive, several times. Fear is an ugly monster that rears it's head. I'd like to say that changing my attitude and worrying less was a once-and-done event. I have to hold tight to my faith and pray my fears away as they come up.

Great post, Joanna.

Joanna said...

Susan: Thank you for stopping by! The news if full of fear, especially the past few weeks. My prayer is that the Lord will shine through us so others can see Him.

Megan: Thank you Megan! I agree about taking the thoughts captive several times a day. I'm doing the same thing, though some days are harder than others.