Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goals, Not Resolutions

As 2009 comes to an end, I've decided to view 2010 differently. Instead of making new year's resolutions, I've decided to set attainable goals. My thought process is this: Resolutions are easily broken - in fact, they are almost expected to be broken within a matter of weeks. Goals are not easily broken. Yes, I may fail to have a quiet time one day or indulge in sugar, but at least I can start over and move on.

One more difference between resolutions and goals - at least the way I see it - is this: I write down my resolutions, but that's it. When I'm thinking about my goals, I apply more thought to them and plan. This is an important first step in achieving my goals. In March, I posted a blog about procrastination. In it I mentioned three steps Joshua used to help the Israelites possess their promised land. I believe these three steps are beneficial in helping me achieve my goals.

First, I must have a plan of attack for my goals. For example, if I want to lose weight, then I need to allot time in my schedule for exercise and meal planning.

Second, I must allow others to hold me accountable. My husband is helping me with the health goals, as he wants to be healthy as well. I talk and pray weekly with a friend regarding our family and ministry goals.

Third, and this is the most important one, I must dedicate my plans to the Lord. I want my plans to be His plans. I've already prayed for wisdom to know the difference.

What about you? Have you thought about your goals for the new year?

I pray the Lord blesses each and everyone of you. I also pray all of us grow closer to the Lord and become the salt and light He wants us to be.


Anonymous said...

Good points, Joanna! Most of our resolutions probably fail because they weren't really goals, they were perhaps aspirations, more like day dreams that we didn't take the time to plan for and cultivate and achieve. Great blog post, you've given me plenty to chew on!
In Him, Helen!

Karen O'Keeffe said...

I agree. I view resolutions as self-driven and goals as God-given. Oh, maybe I should write more poetry in the New Year....