Sunday, January 10, 2010

So, How's Your New Year Going?

I'll admit, I've been sluggish this past week. I went from two weeks of entertaining, celebrating, and relaxing to teaching, exercising, chauffering, and so on. Yes, I've been doing a lot, but my mind hasn't been focused on it. I've had to force myself to do some things (like exercise). I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm writing a blog post late at night, but here I am.

My weekend has been nice so far. My hubby and I spent some time together last night playing games. Today included great conversation with a friend, cuddle time with my kids, and a bit of peace and quiet for myself. Tomorrow begins another week of busy-ness, but I've decided to use prayer to help me through it. After thinking about this past week, I realized I tried to do everything on my own. Why must I learn this lesson over and over and over?

So, that's my new year so far. What about you? I pray all is well.

1 comment:

Just Me said...

I'm only 3 real days into my New Year (I count from what I start back to work as the start back to adult responsibilities). I'm proud of myself because I accomplished everything I wanted to those days. I set myself up a chore schedule so housework doesn't take a back seat and therefore get piled up. I end up working through lunch everyday and being really burned out at about 3:00 so I blocked off a late "lunch" on my work calendar and do my exercise. I've also got some long over due things like cleaning out the spare room done. So... I'm not sure how long this new found organization and motivation will continue, but I like your idea of goals rather than resolutions. So if I have a bad day or bad week who cares? I can start over the following day. God gives us a fresh start every morning. Isn't He good that way?

OK this is obviously way more than you wanted, but at least you know I was here :).